The New Joneses show the simple stuff we can all do for the health of our people + planet.
For 10 years, their award winning TINY HOUSE toured Australia showing how to lighten our footprint.
From our choice of bank, super fund, the stuff we buy, how we insulate our house, The New Joneses show how we vote for a better world with our consumer choices.
With events in covid-hibernation, they took an EV ROAD TRIP!
Free and available online, The New Joneses Road Trip includes Hollywood actor Yael Stone, sweary-cooking-champion, Nat’s What I Reckon and screen legend, Stephen Curry.
The New Joneses episodes are matched to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)+ Project Drawdown.
Get in touch to see how we can help you, your staff + communities understand the climate emergency + be part of the positive solutions.
13:20 mins
Saul says we need to electrify our machines + power them with renewable energy.
07:43 mins
Sophia built herself a comfy, healthy climate-friendly home that MAKES HER MONEY!
07:43 mins
In their ‘No Bills New Build’, Richard and Kate are living the green dream.
07:43 mins
Neighbours for apartment solar
07:43 mins
1 Million Women founder Nat Isaacs’ mission to get 1MW electrifying everything,
07:43 mins
Dr Annabelle and husband Alex live in a comfy, healthy, climate-friendly home with NO ENERGY BILLS.
07:43 mins
Ben's Budget Tips for Renters: Keep the Weather Out!
09:00 mins
James Allston wants us to get off gas, go all-electric + support renewables.
08:20 mins
Randy Feltface wants us to get off gas, go all-electric + support renewables.
08:42 mins
Tony’s worked in coal for 40 years. Now he's calling for us to leave fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) in the ground and switch to renewables. How?